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VIN number check: WVWNP7AN2CE515139

Basic information
Model: CC
Series: Sport
Year of issue: 2012
Number of doors: 4
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine displacement: 1.984000 L

Manufacturer: VOLKSWAGEN AG
Country: GERMANY

Body type: Sedan/Saloon
Number of doors: 4
Engine displacement: 1.984000 L
Engine displacement: 1984 CC
Engine displacement: 121.071108283 CID
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine cylinders: 4
Engine: 200.00 HP
Gross vehicle weight: Class 1: 6,000 lb or less (2,722 kg or less)
Transmission: Manual/Standard
Other restraint system info: Active Seat Belt Advanced Front Air Bags.
AirBags: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)

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Online service — will allow you to get a reliable history of vehicle maintenance: VOLKSWAGEN CC Sport 2012, current odometer readings, see photos and find out the average market value of the vehicle, information about the manufacturer, equipment and specification, a detailed report on damage and hidden defects, records of thefts, the number of previous owners and many other useful information on the basis of which you will learn everything about the VIN number: WVWNP7AN2CE515139 of this vehicle.
After carefully studying this information, you will understand whether it is worth buying this vehicle or not.