Manufacturer: TESLA, INC.
Body type: Sedan/Saloon
Number of doors: 4
Number of seats: 5
Number of axles: 2
Fuel: Electric
Gross vehicle weight: Class 1: 6,000 lb or less (2,722 kg or less)
Transmission: Automatic
Steering location: Left-Hand Drive (LHD)
Other restraint system info: Type 2 manual seatbelts (FR, SR*3), PODS
AirBags: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
Recently checked VIN numbers
VIN:NMTEJ16R00R165654 Date added:17 January 2025., 09:11 VIN:WVGBV7AX0BW515462 Date added:17 January 2025., 08:34 VIN:W1R2470841J301708 Date added:17 January 2025., 08:03 VIN:LA996RP3XR0HZF436 Date added:17 January 2025., 06:55 VIN:Z7G2440009S006383 Date added:17 January 2025., 06:39 VIN:VCF1ZBE20PG001747 Date added:17 January 2025., 01:54 VIN:TMB1NBNJOFZ040487 Date added:17 January 2025., 12:57 VIN:VF1MAF2RC52822994 Date added:17 January 2025., 12:31 VIN:WDDVP9AB3FJ004445 Date added:16 January 2025., 11:50 VIN:JTHHH5BC805002936 Date added:16 January 2025., 11:32 VIN:W0L0AHL0875179135 Date added:16 January 2025., 11:03 VIN:VF1BZ0L0644326304 Date added:16 January 2025., 10:48 VIN:WVWCA7AJOBW176086 Date added:16 January 2025., 10:46 VIN:WBAEU71020FM63317 Date added:16 January 2025., 10:44 VIN:SALLMAMA33A139250 Date added:16 January 2025., 09:56 VIN:WF0EXXGCDE7E73019 Date added:16 January 2025., 09:19 VIN:VR7CBZYA2RT189087 Date added:16 January 2025., 09:19 VIN:WDD2120051B068724 Date added:16 January 2025., 09:05 VIN:1GCDC14K4NZ137715 Date added:16 January 2025., 08:53 VIN:WF0XXXTTGXET08583 Date added:16 January 2025., 08:13