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VIN number check: 3LN6L2J91GR615382

Basic information
VIN: 3LN6L2J91GR615382
Model: MKZ
Year of issue: 2016
Number of doors: 4
Drive type: AWD/All-Wheel Drive
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine displacement: 2.0 L

Country: MEXICO

Body type: Sedan/Saloon
Number of doors: 4
Drive type: AWD/All-Wheel Drive
Engine displacement: 2.0 L
Engine displacement: 2000.0 CC
Engine displacement: 122.04748818946 CID
Fuel: Gasoline
FuelInjection type: Stoichiometric Gasoline Direct Injection (SGDI)
Engine configuration: In-Line
Engine cylinders: 4
Engine: 240 HP
Gross vehicle weight: Class 1: 6,000 lb or less (2,722 kg or less)
AirBags: 1st and 2nd Rows

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VIN information: 3LN6L2J91GR615382 received successfully!

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