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VIN number check: 3GKALVEG3PL146912

Basic information
Make: GMC
Model: Terrain
Series: SLT
Year of issue: 2023
Number of doors: 4
Drive type: AWD/All-Wheel Drive
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine displacement: 1.5 L

Country: MEXICO

Body type: Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
Number of doors: 4
Drive type: AWD/All-Wheel Drive
Engine displacement: 1.5 L
Engine displacement: 1500.0 CC
Engine displacement: 91.53561614209 CID
Engine model: LSD
Fuel: Gasoline
Valve train design: Dual Overhead Cam (DOHC)
Engine configuration: In-Line
Engine cylinders: 4
Gross vehicle weight: Class 1C: 4,001 - 5,000 lb (1,814 - 2,268 kg)
Other restraint system info: AY0 - Active Manual Belts
AirBags: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)

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VIN information: 3GKALVEG3PL146912 received successfully!

Online service — will allow you to get a reliable history of vehicle maintenance: GMC Terrain SLT 2023, current odometer readings, see photos and find out the average market value of the vehicle, information about the manufacturer, equipment and specification, a detailed report on damage and hidden defects, records of thefts, the number of previous owners and many other useful information on the basis of which you will learn everything about the VIN number: 3GKALVEG3PL146912 of this vehicle.
After carefully studying this information, you will understand whether it is worth buying this vehicle or not.