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VIN number check: 1GTW7AFG1K1287698

Basic information
VIN: 1GTW7AFG1K1287698
Make: GMC
Model: Savana
Series: 2500 Cargo
Year of issue: 2019
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine displacement: 6 L


Body type: Cargo Van
Engine displacement: 6 L
Engine displacement: 6000 CC
Engine displacement: 366.1424645683 CID
Engine model: L96 - Flexible Fuel Engine, Iron
Fuel: Gasoline
FuelInjection type: Sequential Fuel Injection (SFI)
Engine cylinders: 8
Gross vehicle weight: Class 2G: 8,001 - 9,000 lb (3,629 - 4,082 kg)
Other restraint system info: Roof Side Airbags: All seating rows for vehicles with 3 or fewer seating rows; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd row for vehicles with 4 or more seating rows.
AirBags: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)

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VIN information: 1GTW7AFG1K1287698 received successfully!

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