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VIN number check: 1C3CCCBB5FN708555

Basic information
VIN: 1C3CCCBB5FN708555
Model: 200
Trim: 200S
Year of issue: 2015
Number of doors: 4
Drive type: FWD/Front-Wheel Drive
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine displacement: 2.4 L

Manufacturer: FCA US LLC

Body type: Sedan/Saloon
Number of doors: 4
Drive type: FWD/Front-Wheel Drive
Engine displacement: 2.4 L
Engine displacement: 2400.0 CC
Engine displacement: 146.45698582735 CID
Fuel: Gasoline
Engine cylinders: 4
Gross vehicle weight: Class 1: 6,000 lb or less (2,722 kg or less)
Steering location: Left-Hand Drive (LHD)
Other restraint system info: Active Seat Belt: All Seating Positions; Air Bags: Outboard Seating Positions
AirBags: All Rows

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VIN information: 1C3CCCBB5FN708555 received successfully!

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